Monday, September 8, 2008

Perusing Podcasts?!

Podcasts....hmmmm. I must admit that I'd never really looked at any of these before, but they are obviously becoming very popular. Not sure that it is something that I would have the desire, or need to access every day but I guess they have their place as a different sort of media.

I am keen to see North Shore Libraries adopt this type of tool to promote oral histories etc, and know that other libraries are already doing this. Waitakere Library for example are filming & recording their oral histories rather than just recording audio alone. Thus a podcast is born...

Podcasts would be an ideal way of giving a 'soundbite' or 'teaser' to something more...

1 comment:

Bill said...

Dear Aunty,

Well you were quick on the ball with this one. Me, well I keep on going back to the Podcast Exercise trying to make sense of it and to tell you the truth, it and I are not in sympathy. Will have to take the "bull by the horns" and Post my opinion soon. Wait for a couple of days before I can get around to it. I may have a "Road to Damascus" experience yet, but I fear it will not happen.