Apart from having no idea what these were until reading the exercise and doing the assigned work...I'm not really that interested!
Perhaps this is a quick judgement after a busy week, but I don't see that they have much benefit to me personally other than collating all my chosen data in one place:- ie: the news headlines, the latest gossip, literature interest information etc. While these will all be sorted and delivered to me for my reading pleasure...it is unlikely that I will ever make the time to go in once a day and read it all.
Therefore, am I not better off how I currently am with bookmarks of the nz herald, stuff etc that I then slip in to when I do have the time and the inclination to persue it.
On a positive note, it is great to be able to individualise what you get sent and specify your own interests etc to only 'get what you want' to a certain extent so you are not wasting more time sifting through information you are not interested in to find/read what you want.
Maybe I'm missing the point somewhere and not understanding the full potential of what RSS and Newsreader can offer. Will follow up by reading colleagues blogs with interest to their views on these resources.
In our professional capacity however, they may be more beneficial. In a 'fitch' type of way, maybe we could collect and archive news headlines, or entertainment news, specialist news, collate information for popular enquiries etc for quick and easy retrieval...
Bring on week 4....hopefully something more to my taste and addictive personality!
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Jesus Auntie, you've been busy. Hope Woolly Gay Boy (or whatever his name is) didn't mind having his image plastered all over the Internet or didn't you ask him?
Love from
Bill Kerswell (remember me?)
Dear Auntyof3,
You seem to have been remarkably silent on your Blog for the last few days. How unlike you......
As you can see I have revisited your site for an "exploratory poke" as they say. My dear, it does seem to be a bit clinical and uninspired in it's layout doesn't it You have had to make use of it far more than I have so far. What are your opinions about it?
Love from
How wonderful that you're revisiting my site for pleasure!My 'blogging' only takes place for work purposes so I only post when required to. Thanks for the comment re the un-inspired layout. I'll look forward to seeing yours which I'm sure will be a symphony for the eyes. "Fresh & Fruity" type layout I would imagine...?
Apart from suspecting who the Auntyof3 might be, I knew immediately who you are, you good little egg, when I read your first blog! The million dollar question is, do you know who I am? And please mention my real name in the woolly world of cyberspace because I prize my privacy too highly. I'm very impressed with how brave you are. I'm not sure if this blog gives you my blogging address - hope so otherwise I'll send it to you in a nice normal uncomplicated, hopefully untraceable email! AAARRGGHHH!!!!!! Technology - love it, or hate it, it's here to stay! But will I stay after doing these exercises? That IS the question! Love from Biblio Chick
See, I knew there would be problems - I typed DON'T mention my name, and lo and behold it has left out the DON'T!!! Sigh! I presume that you like me have created a closed blog with only invited people to access it? Is Billieboy whom I think he is? It has to be. Give him a hug from me!
Cheers with love yet again from Biblio Chick
Well dear Aunty, I am back again. This time it is due to Exercise #3 but seeing as I have already posted a comment to you before it will hopefully be a doddle!
At the moment I don't seem to be able to access anyone elses "Blogs" though I think that you did say that comes later. I don't still understand the" All Aboard" bit in your your "Blogspot" link though. You may have to clarify that for me again tomorrow when I am work.
Don't feel like moving out of the Library Pool as yet to make contact or comment, though I did take a look at some of the recommended Blogs.
Love from
Bill K
How interesting.... how interesting =D
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