Saturday, August 2, 2008

Toilet stop at Technorati!

Technorati... First and foremost...not my type of site! Too boring in presentation and not particularly easy to navigate in my view. I like a site to 'speak to me' upon loading with eye catching headlines, great use of colour, interesting graphics, a good sized font and the impression that I can easily find what I am looking for...

Unfortunately the Technorati Tour video cast was not working all day today which I thought may have sparked some interest in me by telling me about all the amazing things I could discover if only I could get past the initial 'blah' feeling about the site....but it was not to be. Will check back another day to see if it has come right.

Using the search for "Learning 2.0" bought up a few hits, but nothing of significant interest. However, I did notice that our own "QuizzyLizzy" made an appearance here which eventually led back to the NSL blog they have created.

However, Technorati's use of tiny font did not inspire me to keep looking, or delve further, or 'experiment' with the site and it would not be a site I would bookmark for future use. Too much competition out there for that!

Using the Learning 2.0 search resulted in the same amount of hits in the block directory and blog posts but using the same keyword in tags almost doubled the result. This leaves me wondering about which search would prove to be more useful if one was really seeking some information. At the end of the day, any information we find depends to a large extent on how the contributor has set it up and how accessible they have made it with using relevant tags, titles, common buzzwords within their content etc.

In comparison, the same can be said for trying to sell an item on Trade Me. A seller who describes their item for example as being: "a pair of jeans" has little chance of selling them without the potential buyer having to ask for a lot more additional information. The seller who describes the same pair of jeans as "Ladies Levi jeans, size 12, light ice washed denim, dome fly, boot legged, triple stitched, great condition" will be perceived as more genuine and will probably sell the item without more information being required. Not rocket science is it!?

Overall, Technorati was a 'toilet stop' town for me and not one that I would
choose to stop at again...


Biblio Chick said...

Most impressed by the lenghth and insight evidenced by your Posts. I am enjoying the experience in the same way one enjoys toothache! Having said that it is only because it takes so long to fathom out what needs to be done. So far so good, if not brilliant, but am getting the hang of it and will then start all over again until I get it perfect!!!! I love you confessions of being a control freak, but then you are still young, and will learn that the world will not be controlled no matter how hard you try. I'm surprised you haven't noticed that yet!

I eventually discovered how to open my Post for comments - sigh - and there I was grieving that no one was ever going to comment on my burgeoning Web 2.0 skills!

Cheers from Biblio Chick

Biblio Chick said...

Aunty, dear Aunty, please read my latest Post - I did it - I now know all about and can use RSS feeds like a pro!