Friday, August 1, 2008

Back on track and discovering bacon ice-cream!

Well, after a bit of a hiatus due to a number of factors, I am back on track! The site delivered more than I had anticipated and I spent quite some time exploring it. It was with much reluctance and the constant repitition of the catch phrase 'stick to the program', that I managed to tear myself away to write the required blog! As with many others sites we discover in our travels, I felt that one could just sit and 'discover' for the rest of the day without consciously being aware of where the time was going. Definitely a case of 'the more you look...the more you want to keep on looking'...

Found a wicked link to "Wordle" which allows you to make word cloud art with words of your choosing. To demonstrate...I made one as an example with words associated with the web. View it at:

I am particularly impressed with the idea of having a site that will save all your bookmarks/favourites to a place where you can access from any PC, anywhere, as opposed to only being accessible from the computer to which you have originally saved them. There is nothing more frustrating than being on the front desk and knowing you have a web-site bookmarked on your PC out the back that would be perfect for an enquiry, but being unable to remember the specific site address off the top of your head. With, your answer would only be a click or two away... This idea is simply brilliant and I can certainly understand it's popularity!!

Thinking from a professional point of view...I'd like to see this site replace the "Fitch" which I have never personally warmed to and believe could be a lot more user friendly and useful... By introducing the concept of could open up our saved links to the general public as our resources hardly need to be kept confidential and then the link would become more like a living document.

I can definitely see myself using this site in my own life and discovering all sorts of sites that will be useful both personally and professionally.

I 'tagged' several sites for further exploration later and noted, (but did not tag!), a recipe for 'bacon ice-cream' and 'chocolate coated bacon'. Interesting...but not something that I'll personally be choosing to experience...! What will I discover next?


Bill said...

Well, you have had a busy Friday. I guess the full sense of that Exercise will be revealed to us all when when we finally get to it. I am interested to read that you think you have found an alternative to the "Fitch" concept. Is this feasible as like you I haven't warmed to "Fitch" and to tell you the truth, still haven't got my head around it as of yet.

Bacon Ice Cream! Don't think that it will be this summer's flavour of the Season. However I can recommend Avocado Ice Cream. If ever you are in Tolaga Bay then visit the Pickled Walnut Restaurant there, you are in for a treat. His homemade Ice Cream desserts are to die for, the Owner/Chef claims to have made a Potato Ice cream as well. The rest of the menu is recommended. Good food coupled with small town Hospitality is unbeatable. All of the customesrs ended up at the one table sharing desserts and the Conversation was good as well. Don't think it would happen here in the big smoke, but I ramble......

PS. What Senior moment Aunty? Surely not me! You obviously have no idea of who it is that is reading your Blog

Zipperty-doo-dah said...

I'm most impressed with your wordle. Actually when you think about it I'm suprised that I've never used the word wordle before, it seems such an everyday word that has a nice ring to it - well done on the construction of your wordle.

collected works said...

In agreement about 'fitches' more dynamic and flexible. Off to create a 'Wordle'. Thanks for the opportunity.